
Technology for performance.

I have always had an interest in technology. As a child, I wanted to become an IT engineer. Studying industrial engineering, I delved into programming, which I really enjoyed. The satisfaction of finding the last bug in my code was proportional to the time required to find it.

With my industrial engineering degree, I started my journey in factories. I obtained my first two certifications: Lean Bronze by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) and Green Belt Six Sigma by the American Society for Quality (ASQ). I consistently leveraged technology to simplify processes and increase efficiency. During my first consulting assignment, I developed an ERP in Access and VBA. Later, I implemented a scale-based solution to automate tiring manual counting procedures in the pharmaceutical industry. My understanding of Lean concepts and statistical skills were key to success in demanding environments.

My working approach revolves around looking at the big picture, delving into details, and bringing opportunities to light. I then turn complex concepts into simple stories to engage everyone.

As an example, I created the first video training for 3000 insurance agents, as I recognized that a video format would make the new product easier to understand than just relying on words and pictures.

Throughout my journey in technology, I aimed to simplify, solve, and enhance.

My problem-solving approach

During my professional journey, no problem has been too small for me to consider, nor too big for me to tackle. My curiosity combined with a rigorous scientific approach adapts to every problem’s size and type.

This led to my Professional Scrum Master certification, which highlights my skills and experience in leadership roles ranging from project and product management to coaching and strategic planning.

Leveraging my passions, knowledge and experience, I decided to consolidate them all.

It security, a base requirement to operate.

The digital age has ingrained computing into our daily lives, weaving a web of dependence that cybercriminals skillfully exploit for their own gains. Operations are disrupted, data stolen relentlessly, and targeted businesses suffer financial losses and customer desertions.

Small businesses face new challenges: they have become targets of cyber crime. While larger corporations have improved their security measures and individuals with limited financial resources are less appealing to cybercriminals, small businesses have emerged as attractive targets.

Faced with these challenges, I developed a simple, but powerful approach to empower companies, enlightening them in the complexity of IT security. My objective is clear: to equip small structures by offering them the means to control their digital security, one action at a time.

I am Certified in Cybersecurity by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC2) as well as a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/Canada) and Certified Information Privacy Technologist from the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).

My vision is for each of us to take an hour every month to improve our cybersecurity and that of our business.

An entrepreneurial adventure.

And since two challenges are better than one, I decided to start my own business.

With my experience in project management, organizational strategy and customer-oriented development, only the impostor syndrom was keeping me away from success. Indeed, I know how to provide value to my clients. Je sais aussi comment créer une organisation performante, j’ai tous les outils (ou presque) pour réaliser ma vision.

My curiosity and my need for justice drive me to learn and find solutions so that small structures can protect their data and systems. Small businesses are the heart of our communities and our daily lives: personal services, tourism, leisure, crafts, construction, stores. They’re what keep me going.

I believe technology must simplify everyone’s life.